trip two: a disaffection


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  • John Crawford - 27 March 2020 -

    McGee taught me the steeplejacking, I lost contact with him. Send him my best.

    • May Miles Thomas - 29 March 2020 -

      Hi John

      Thanks for dropping by. It’s many years since I met Tony. He was a very interesting character. I finished the project in 2009 and sadly I’ve no idea how or where he is now.

      Best wishes,

    • Suzie Hill (McGee) - 30 July 2021 -

      I’m on a mission tonight. My dad Tony McGee is 70 on saturday. John Crawford – please get in touch, my dad would be delighted! He misses his jack’ing days and the pals he made. My number is xxxxxx040740. Thanks x

    • Suzie Hill (McGee) - 30 July 2021 -

      Hi John, Would love to speak to you, my dad is 70 this weekend. Please get in touch xxxxxx0740, he misses his jack’ing days x

      • May Miles Thomas - 30 July 2021 -

        Hi Suzie –

        I’ve emailed John to pass on your mobile number in case he doesn’t see your message. Please wish Tony all the best from me and a Happy Birthday. I do hope John gets in touch with you.

        Best wishes,

        • Suzie Hill (McGee) - 3 August 2021 -

          Thanks so much for this, really appreciated. My dad was delighted when I showed him his picture online. I’m very grateful you put it up for me to discover all these years later. Take good care, Suzie

          • May Miles Thomas - 4 August 2021 -

            You’re very welcome. Tell him I’m asking for him.
