trip twenty four: access


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  • George Brown - 5 December 2008 -

    Re- St Convals Chariot,
    I was fortunate to read the highly informative board depicting the history of the stones before the vandals got to it.
    Reading the opening passages relating to Conval sitting on a stone which came out of the water and bringing him over to Scotland, reminded me of a regular comment of my mother:: ”Dae ye think ah cam up the clyde in a wheel barra?!”

  • May Miles Thomas - 6 December 2008 -

    Thanks George,

    My mammy used to say ‘did you come up the Clyde in a bubble?’

  • James Denham - 12 November 2013 -

    Hi, just to say your blog is absolutely brilliant, I got answers to couple of things I was looking for and found them here, I am currently writing a book on the course of the River Clyde and will definitely put a link on my bibliography.

    Best wishes,


    • May Miles Thomas - 12 November 2013 -

      Thanks James,

      Glad you like the blog and best of luck with the book – sounds great.

      All the best, May

  • Suzanne Lee - 2 May 2014 -

    Nice blog and it made me laugh as I understand how odd some Renfrew folks can be as I am a resident here too!

    I was searching history of the Argyll Stone when I discovered your blog and I am so glad that I did. I did not realise that there is an old tomb in the old parish church and I am going to see if I can view it before the church goes up for auction in a few days time. Sadly this is a sign of the times but hopefully I can capture some last moments before it is sold on. I will happily share any pictures I can.

    • May Miles Thomas - 2 May 2014 -

      Hi Suzie – Love your comment – every time I went to Renfrew I had a great time! I had no idea that the old parish church was up for auction – seems a shame since it’s such an important building. It’s certainly worth going in to see the resting place of John Ross Hawkhead and his wife. Just goes to show that nothing’s permanent. If you manage to take photos, I’d love to see them.

      All the best,

      • Suzanne Lee - 20 June 2019 -

        Would you believe I have accidentally found myself back at this blog post 5 years after posting my comment 🙂 I’m researching Renfrewshire’s history for a project and hoping to help raise awareness of these historic stories.

        Have you been back to Renfrew since this blog visit? The Old Inchinnan church where the Knights graves are rumoured to be (the one beside the bridge you stopped at last time) is being dug up now for an archaeological dig.

        I did manage to take some photos all those years ago and I should really dig them out for you. The church was bare though, the pews ripped out, the works. very sad.

        • May Miles Thomas - 21 June 2019 -

          Hi Suzanne – Welcome back to my blog. I haven’t been writing much since the project ended. Thanks for letting me know about the church – it sounds very interesting. I wonder what the dig will reveal? I haven’t been back to the site lately because I’m concentrating on other work but I’d certainly be interested in seeing your photos. Please write to me at

          All the best,

  • jake - 30 June 2015 -

    The Argyll stone was the equivalent of Lourdes in its prime people came from all around Europe to touch it. Itwas supposed to have healing powers
    If it was in Ireland there would be bus loads of tourists flocking to it everyday.
    I think we should revive it

  • jake - 30 June 2015 -

    just another note , behind the Normandy is Blyhteswood estate, this is where Senator John McCains family came, it is said his gran Bridget had a child by Prince Albert, (she was the house keeper and her name was McCann) McCain still boasts of his royal heritage.They were sent to America to avoid a scandal!!

    • May Miles Thomas - 30 June 2015 -

      Hi Jake,

      Great comments – thanks very much. Glad to see people are still reading my blog after all this time. I never knew about the stone’s healing powers – are you referring to the Argyll (or Argyle) Stone or the one next to it, St. Conval’s Stone? They sit side by side in the cast iron enclosure in the car park.

      The John McCain story is great too – I’ve never come across it before. Do you have a link? I’d love to find out more.

      Cheers, May

  • jake - 23 July 2015 -

    In the old church on the black cart (Inchinnan Parish) there are a few Knights Templars graves, they came to the rescue at the ” Battle of Inchinnan,
    Why is the Scottish tourist board not emphasising all this ? If it were Ireland the tourists would be flocking to these sites!

    • May Miles Thomas - 23 July 2015 -

      Hi Jake,

      I went to Inchinnan Parish and saw the KT graves. I agree with you about a lack of interest – who knows? Maybe it’s because the church building itself is fairly modern and unremarkable, but the graves are definitely worth a visit. I read that they were moved to this spot when Abbotsinch – the old Glasgow Airport – was built, so if anybody knows for definite I’d be interested to find out more.


  • jake - 23 July 2015 -

    What about Castlehead in the centre of Renfrew, a cache of roman coins were discovered there, it was the site of a Roman garrison allegedly

    • May Miles Thomas - 23 July 2015 -

      Thanks again Jake,

      I haven’t been there. Again if anyone knows about the history of Castlehead, please get in touch!


  • jake - 17 September 2015 -

    the kt’s were definitely in the old church, i am 60 and used to play on them when i was a boy, we thought they were pirates graves. when they moved the airport they moved the graves

    • May Miles Thomas - 18 September 2015 -

      Thanks Jake – I like the idea of them being pirate’s graves. You don’t happen to know the name and location of the old church? Do you know when the airport moved to its current site at Abbotsinch? Was it early 60s?

      All the best,

  • Petrina Cairns - 19 December 2017 -

    Hiyah. Inchinnan Historical Interest Group (IHIG) have just completed a project on the old All Hallow’s Site (aka Old Inchinnan Kirk), one of the “Templar Stones” has just became a whole lot more interesting. More here

    • May Miles Thomas - 20 December 2017 -

      Hi Petrina,

      Thanks for the comment and the link. I’m sure my readers will be interested in this.


  • Jillian Mcfarlane - 30 August 2019 -

    I really enjoyed reading your blog so well written . My gran left me diaries from the 20th century’s growing up in Renfrew and some Renfrew Historical notes . I have posted a lot of her stories on Facebook over the last 2 years . Especially the memories of the Blitz and the War Years and growing up during the depression in Renfrew in the 1920s and 30s . Did you know that grave robbing went on in the Graveyard you photographed over 200 years ago and families guarded the graves of their loved ones until the threat was over . Thank you once again for your blog was excellent

    • May Miles Thomas - 30 August 2019 -

      Thanks for reading the blog, Jillian – so pleased you enjoyed it. I’m sure your gran’s diaries are popular on Facebook. I find that people are always interested in where they come from and their local history. That’s the reason why I’ve kept this blog online even though I finished the project years ago. I still get a fair amount of traffic from people, especially from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the US, who are trying to trace their family stories.

      I didn’t know about the graveyard, so thanks for that!

      Best wishes,
