trip twenty nine: trespass


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  • Grahame Hobbes - 14 August 2009 -

    there’s no law against trespass in Scotland, but that doesn’t give you the right to go wandering into peoples gardens, you weird bitch

  • May Miles Thomas - 14 August 2009 -

    For the record, I am not ‘a weird bitch’. (see below)

    In response to your comment, Mr Hobbes, I didn’t wander into anyone’s garden, though even if I did inadvertently, there’s no way I would have known given the avarice of developers, whose provision for outdoor space in what they market as family homes is wholly inadequate.

    And since you obviously feel strongly about the concept of trespass, let’s not dwell on your hypocritical and unsolicited invasion of my blog.

  • Tommy Lusk - 1 May 2010 -

    A rammy as well! What will be round the next corner?

    I sought this page out tonight to celebrate getting to the top of Dumgoyne yesterday.

    This distinct pimple is a part of almost every viewpoint i’v enjoyed over the past few years.

    When I’m in work I’ll sometimes go to Ruchill Park flagpole for a look. it’s like breathing in fresh air.

    I’v also saw it from the top of Ben Vorlich in The Trossachs, and many points inbetween.

    Yesterday I got to see all these other viewpoints from this one and it was very satisfying indeed.

    Cities, mountains, lochs, hills. They’re all there to see from this one spot.To the left a modern sprawl, to the right ancient highlands.

    It was one of those days you might think twice about going out at all as the weather forecast was for showers. However, this added so much to the scene.

    Near the summit I noticed one person, then another, moving fast down the hillside. Then I noticed the black cloud overhead. I had a sense of foreboding as I imagined the skies opening up and me exposed on this windy hilltop. I felt fear for a moment as the sky went black.

    If the cloud above didn’t get me then the shower moving quickly from the direction of Loch Lomond would!

    As I contemplating possible means of protection the sky eased up and the shower didn’t look such a threat anymore.

    For th next 20 minutes and more I had the great pleasure of viewing a quilted landscape.

    There is something thrilling in observing a shower of rain from the outside, while also being able to see another place experiencing warm sunshine, and a third having a cloudy day. Like observing a weather forecast.

    Then it all moved around.

    Glasgow Centre was under misty showers for a while and people in Springburn were going to feel them to, but didn’t know it yet. Meanwhile, Callandar and Aberfoyle were experiencing a sunny afternoon. Loch Lomond was a bit sunny in the East and cloudy in the south.

    Later on Glasgow emerged out of the mist and her highflats once again reflected in the sun. Loch Lomond was also shining but there was a shower making it’s way down the Leven Valley.

    It turned into a lovely evening where I was and so I was reluctant to make my way down the steep slope. However, it was time. Other engagements to keep. dogs to feed and dads to visit.

    I took my time though and stopped to capture news view that suddenly popped out at me.

    I’ll go home now and capture the memories from my camera to my computer and show them off (an algerian computer friend of my aunt can’t get enough of our landscape) but it won’t be the same and I’ll have to do it again.


  • May Miles Thomas - 2 May 2010 -

    Thanks Tommy,

    Sounds like you had a great day – literally a high old time.

    I’ve still to reach the top of Dumgoyne. I’ve been out there a few times but always seem to get distracted by what’s closer to the ground.

    The trip I write about here wasn’t a great one, what with the ruckus with the security guy, the police showing up at my door the next day – and I didn’t even commit a crime – then, to have a stranger going out of their way to insult me on my own blog… As you say, a rammy! Bring it on…

    Happy days
