trip four: eyes wide open


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  • May Miles Thomas - 15 September 2010 -

    Thanks for that.

    I think you’ll find you get more than one mention in this blog!

    I would urge all my readers to check out Western Geomancy – follow the link below. Fascinating and informative…


    • pedro - 22 October 2015 -

      Cheers May, from David Ritchie’s book

      • May Miles Thomas - 23 October 2015 -

        Sorry for not posting your other comments under my most recent post on the Cochno Stone. They’re a wee bit off-topic for that particular post. If you’ve read some of my other posts you’ll know I began this project in 2007 and at the time I did a lot of research, some of which crossed paths with the sources you mention. The Knights Templar and associated topics are fascinating but they’re not a on the spine of Harry or Mary’s stories so I didn’t delve too deeply.

        If you want to contact me directly with any questions you can reach me at Elemental Films.


    • pedro - 23 October 2015 -

      No problem at all about the comments May, I realised they were off topic but I was just looking for somebody’s guidance as regards that codes blog because I got a bit freaked out myself. I shall be in touch. Your replies are much appreciated.

      Thank you


  • eaglesham tinkers - 20 August 2015 -

    deils wood/devils plantation, eaglesham- ancient burial cairn haunted by a Knights Templar Treasure Legend.

    • May Miles Thomas - 27 August 2015 -

      Many thanks for putting up the link and for quoting my blog – I’m always grateful for a mention! I’ll check out your other link too.

      Best wishes,

  • Bob McDougall - 24 July 2017 -

    I have tried without success to buy a copy of Harry Bells book. I have however read it( or extract from it) online however there were no plans or maps.
    Can you advise where I could get a copy of the plans detailing the aligned sites?
    Thank you.

    • May Miles Thomas - 26 July 2017 -

      Hi Bob,

      Thanks for contacting me.

      Harry’s book has been out of print for years. I tried to get a copy but with no success. I did eventually get a photocopied version from Dr. Ronnie Scott.

      This link may be useful because it contains the text of the book and illustrations of some of his alignments.

      Hope it helps,

  • Grahame Gardner - 13 June 2022 -

    Hi May, just perusing the blog again and thought it worth mentioning for folks reading this post that I’m now curating Harry’s stuff at – check it out!

  • Dawn - 6 February 2024 -

    So far I have read five walks :-))

    You have an amazing perception of your yesteryears, and I applaud you. Not only are your childhood memories traumatised, but you have a great knack of making light of them. That takes great strength of mind, and character! And more so, to relive them. I can only imagine, to bring to yourself peace of healing?

    Currently, and for 17 years, I live on an alleged site of East Hurlet House. I say “alleged” due to the flats being built of timber, with a rough cast outer wall. Although an old drain pipe with 1700’s has been placed outside the main block to resemble a historical building, good old GCC even has it classed as a building of historical importance… The building it should be on was the beautiful stone house that used to be situated next door… GCC sold it off in 2013, and it was pulled down, carefully removing majority of the foot wide stones… Still a desecrated ruin and eyesore today!

    I detract from my original intention of why I felt compelled to comment. Bizarrely, I stumbled across your blogs, and I am so very glad that I did :-)) only recently was I told an interesting “old wives tale” about a hidden passageway from Crookston Castle, to the Levern Water, than runs through Househillwood Park, situated across the street from my home on the Barrhead Road. My dad always spoke of the “hidden loch” more so when I purchased my flat down here. He called the area, Roughmussell, I call it Hurlet :-)) although Roughmussell is in my back door, as well as Hurlet woods and plantation.

    Thanks for sharing your emotive memories, would love to share mine with you sometime :-)) Dxx

    • May Miles Thomas - 6 February 2024 -

      Thanks for your comment, Dawn.

      I’m pleased if you’ve enjoyed reading about my walks in Glasgow. I’m surprised that many people are reading these posts years later. The past is still very vivid for me – you’re right about trauma and I still feel the need to find peace within myself.

      Thanks too for sharing your memories of the East Hurlet House and your Dad’s story of the hidden loch. I loved gathering these stories from the people I met on my trips. Feel free to share any other reminiscences.

      Best wishes,
      May x
