update 16: BAFTA awards


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  • May Miles Thomas - 19 November 2013 -

    UPDATE – The BAFTA Scotland Cineworld Audience Award went to The Wee Man.

  • Sheila Robertson - 16 January 2014 -


    I am Harry Bell’s daughter. I was amazed to discover tonight while grazing online that you have made a film re my Dad’s book, and wonder when it might next be screened, so that I can go and see it? My summer job when I was at High School was proofreading and binding copies of the book, and the b&w photo of the Deil’s Plantin’ was a blast from the past as we used to go there on our bikes from our house!

    Sheila Robertson

    • May Miles Thomas - 17 January 2014 -

      Hi Sheila,

      I had to do a double take when I got your email last night. When I set out on this project in 2007 I made numerous unsuccessful attempts to contact your brother about Harry’s book which has fascinated me for years. I completed the website in 2009 which won a BAFTA Scotland award in the Best Interactive category but last year I decided to make both an app and a feature-length film based on the project, which also features the story of Mary Ross, a woman I met whose walks in the city oddly coincided with those of your late father. The app is currently available through the iTunes Store and the film is available through Vimeo. I would love to do a DVD release at some point if I can get any funding.

      Please feel free to contact me again through the email address at the bottom of the home page for this site.

      Thanks for being in touch,
