update 25: Cochno film


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  • mari graham - 1 November 2015 -

    Thanks for a tantalising glimpse of the Cochno Stone May – we’ve waited a long time for this – loved the film.
    As to who you have to sleep with, I wish I knew – all I can suggest is that you keep on doing what you’re doing – and if we can do anything to help, you know where we are.

    • May Miles Thomas - 1 November 2015 -

      Thanks Mari,

      So glad you enjoyed my wee film. In an ideal world it would be great to uncover the Stone – even temporarily – in order to scan it and make a replica. I’ve no doubt the local community would love to be involved but I’m under no delusion about the viability. First, and most important, is that without Mrs. Marks’ permission the project can’t proceed since half of the Stone is on her land. Also, permission would need to be granted by West Dunbartonshire Council and Historic Scotland. This would have to be agreed before any excavation by Glasgow Uni Archaeology Department and given the scale of the task would require a detailed plan. Where a film fits into any of this I’m doubtful because no one has explicitly commissioned me and sadly I can’t work for free on such a major undertaking. How I wish it were different! Let’s see what happens…

      All the best,

  • gaar - 11 November 2015 -

    Hi – just to say thank you for this film – spent a long time waiting for it’s release and thoroughly enjoyed. I met Harry a few times before his death and he was a very nice man always with time to spend with others. Look forward to your future ventures.

    Best Regards,

    • May Miles Thomas - 12 November 2015 -

      Thanks for taking the time to comment, Gaar – much appreciated. Over the years I’ve heard from several people who knew Harry. It’s a shame he died before I could meet him. Glad you liked the film – I take it you’re referring to The Devil’s Plantation’ and not the short film I link to on this page. Right now I’m working on another, completely different film, my next feature – but I hope that if permission is granted to excavate the Cochno Stone that I can be involved in some way. These things always take longer than I would like!

      All the best,

      • gaar - 13 November 2015 -

        Hi May – I watched both the trailer for the “Concho” film and also the full “Devils Plantation” film. I stay not too far away from Tinto and was aware of most of the locations in the DP hence my interest (as well as knowing Harry). It’s a superb way of keeping Harry’s work alive and I’m sure it will be of interest to many more as time passes. I will keep an eye out for your new movie too 🙂

        Best Regards,

        • May Miles Thomas - 13 November 2015 -

          Thanks Gary,

          That’s very kind of you. I’d love the Devil film to be seen more widely. It’s only had a few public screenings but the audience reaction was amazing – a very different experience from watching it at home. I hope Harry would approve – it seems there’s still a lot of interest in his work!


  • Vivienne Kelly - 21 September 2016 -

    Hey may!
    my name is Vivienne, I am a student at GSA studying fine art in my graduating year. I have been researching your work thoroughly and wondered if i could perhaps meet you to learn more about your ideas ?

    • May Miles Thomas - 22 September 2016 -

      Hi Vivienne

      Thanks for the comment. If you email me direct may(at)elementalfilms.co.uk maybe you could let me know what you have in mind?

      All the best,
