update 7: devil’s work


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  • Ed - 4 March 2010 -

    Congratulations for being nominated May, a fantastic achievement – just goes to show people are paying attention! Good opportunity to put on your party frock whatever happens!

  • hugh beattie - 4 March 2010 -

    no competition at all. Good luck you should win!

  • May Miles Thomas - 4 March 2010 -

    Thanks for the kind messages – much appreciated.


  • Troy - 22 August 2011 -

    ‘That I for poor auld Scotland’s sake
    Some usefu’ plan or beuk could make,
    Or sing a sang at least.’
    Robert Burns

    This web site is truly a great work.

    Thank you for helping me find my bearings.


  • May Miles Thomas - 22 August 2011 -

    Thanks Troy, for the Burns quote and your praise for my site. I’m so glad you enjoyed your trip.

    Best wishes,
