update 14: BAFTA Scotland


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  • Tam McGarvey - 9 October 2013 -

    Hi May. it was nice to meet you in Govan recently. Keep me posted with the screening dates as I would love to see the film. Good luck and keep up the good work. Tam.

    • May Miles Thomas - 9 October 2013 -

      Hi Tam, it was nice to meet you too. Right now I have no idea when the film is screening – I’m waiting on word from BAFTA Scotland and Cineworld but I’ll definitely keep you posted.


  • David Gibson - 9 October 2013 -

    Hello May,
    I’m so pleased your film and the many, many hours of hard work providing us all with an exceptional film is receiving recognition.

    I’ve always told you “You are a national treasure.” I believe so and perhaps your remarkable talent will be rewarded and noted by BAFTA, Creative Scotland and the people who enjoy film and visual arts. Indeed, all Arts!

    With love and all good wishes for your new project.

    Yours aye,
    David x

    • May Miles Thomas - 9 October 2013 -

      Thank you so much, David.

      Your comment means a lot to me. I hadn’t expected to be nominated for the BAFTA thing. In fact, I don’t even know how it works – apparently the film will be screened in Cineworld all over Scotland but as yet no one from BAFTA Scotland or Cineworld have asked for the DCP – which was recently converted to HD so it looks better than the original. I don’t think the film has much of a chance – as I say in the blog, it’s only had 3 outings whereas some of the other nominees have screened over 200 times! Still it’s better to be included than not – which is why I’ve made it available on Vimeo – so many people have asked to see it and it’s frustrating when I have nowhere to show it, especially on a big screen. Anyway hope you’re well and let’s try to meet up soon. Send my regards to Trish.

      All the best,

  • Alexander (Sandy) McCallum - 20 October 2013 -

    Hi May Hi Tam the Screening times at the Cineworld in Renfrew st Glasgow 6pm Monday 21st oct and thu 24th at 8.15 I notice Julian Copes is saying the Baftas already won maybe thats a good Omen but ill pass the fact its just nominated as yet as well as Information on Screenings. More Scottish Screenings at https://www.cineworld.co.uk/cinemas?film=6855&cinema=all&path=/whatson/6855 Good Luck May 🙂

    • May Miles Thomas - 20 October 2013 -

      Thanks for posting this, Sandy, I’m very grateful to you. I only just found out the screening times for Cineworld so you beat me to it! I only hope people go along to see it and vote for it!

      Best wishes,

  • Dominique Cameron - 25 October 2013 -

    Hi May,
    just wanted to say that I saw The Devils plantation last night at Cineworld in Dundee. It was such a wonderful film , beautifully crafted, thoughtful and adventurous. Would love to have a chat with you about your work as in working for my MFA here I am crossing paths and it would be great to swap some thoughts. Best of luck with the Bafta, keeing fingers crossed and thankyou , really appreciated.

    • May Miles Thomas - 25 October 2013 -

      Thanks Dominique,
      I’m so glad you saw the film – your comments are lovely and much appreciated. If you want to talk about my/your work feel free to email me.
      Best wishes

  • M Reid - 18 September 2022 -

    Finding it hard to get a copy of this/watch on line/rent it. On what forums could I see this film?

    • May Miles Thomas - 18 September 2022 -

      Thanks for looking at my blog. The film’s available to rent on Vimeo on Demand – you can find it on the front page of the DP website –


      Hope that helps,
