update 9: GFF13


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  • Mark McGhee - 1 March 2013 -

    Well done May. Need to get your films seen by a wider audience.

    • May Miles Thomas - 1 March 2013 -

      Cheers Mark – if only! I’ve had some amazing emails and tweets about it. If only I could get some interest – so many people have asked when it’s screening again.

      all the best,

  • Ed - 1 March 2013 -

    May, I’m positive TDP will be seen many times in the future – in venues both in the UK and wider. What better place to launch it than at the GFT though – an essential Glasgow landmark for those looking for The Other in imagination and the power of story. Thank you for being an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your insights thorough this blog over the years. Harry and Mary would be proud of you.

    • May Miles Thomas - 1 March 2013 -

      Thanks Ed, as always, for your encouragement. I need to finish my thinking about what’s possible now and whether the film can have any kind of life. The plan to stream it has been postponed – I’ve been advised not to make it available for sale lest it harms any chance of further festival screenings. I’ll keep you posted – and let’s talk soon about other business.

