update 19: Glad Cafe


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  • Mary Henderson - 6 July 2014 -

    Sadly I am out of the country 9th to 16th. Don`t suppose you could postpone it for a week! Never mind, I`m sure I`ll catch up one of these days. Jaine can tell me all about it. Give my regards to Gary. Best wishes. Mary.

    • May Miles Thomas - 6 July 2014 -

      If only I had that problem! Thanks Mary, your comment much appreciated. Shame you missed the CCA screening a couple of weeks ago. I put it up on Twitter, but it happened on one of those rare beautiful sunny nights and I was pleased to get 20-30 of an audience – see previous blog. Never mind – it’s just hard when you make a film with no industry machine behind it – and no wonder, since this movie had a lower budget – I do not lie – £750 – for any feature film made since nineteen canteen. And only because Gary and Kate took pity on me and waived the fees I offered, knowing I was without funds, being unable to meet the criteria to qualify for CS Screen Funds. Hopefully that’s about to change. As it is, I’m really pleased that the CCA want to back my next project so with any luck and if I can get some funding – I’m making my first-ever application to CS – it may happen – hope springs eternal! Hope you’re well and hope to see you soon. Mx

  • May Miles Thomas - 6 July 2014 -

    I’m really encouraged by all the Facebook likes and comments I’ve had tonight. Same goes for all the Twitter favs and RTs. Now I realise the value of all this social media – to think that 10 years ago this would not have been possible. Quite amazing.

  • David Campbell - 18 July 2014 -

    I was doing a search for Harry Bell,(who was one of my mentors as a young man), when I found your blog. I am sorry I did not find you before and will now take a greater interest in your work.

    You provide a great insight into the Glaswegian interior and characters !….As one who works away for long periods, it is great to see someone documenting these things.

    I lost track of Harry after joining the Army in the late 70’s and seen him last when he was working in McCorquadales off St Enoch Sq.

    If you have any knowledge as to what became of him, I would much appreciate if you could send me an e-mail to my registered e-mail address.

    My best regards and look forward to reading through more of TDP on this site.

    • May Miles Thomas - 18 July 2014 -

      Thanks for taking the time to write, David. I’ve got your email address and I’ll write to you over the weekend.
