update 29: GSA Screening
As I type this my hand hovers hesitantly over the keyboard because I’ve been here before. Over the last few years I’ve had the occasional request to show the film, some reasonable, others not and too often frustrated by a lack of facilities, e.g. being asked to screen on a PowerPoint projector, or for no fee – not even minimum wage. Or, as I was asked last year by the organisers of Doors Open Day, to screen at an unspecified location with no facilities for no money.
So when I received an email last year from David Sweeney at the Glasgow School of Art asking to screen the film, I was heartened because, as an alumna, it’s the first time since graduating 38 years ago – yes, 38 years – I’ve been asked to show my work.
After countless emails and a recce (long story) it’s been agreed that The Devil’s Plantation will screen at approx 5.00pm on Thursday 11th January 2018 in the Auditorium, Reid Building, Renfrew Street, Glasgow. I’ve also been asked to take part in a talk afterwards with Dr. David Sweeney and Professor Johnny Rodger. Too bad then that there’s no mention of it on the GSA Events page because it promises to be an interesting evening.
I’ve since put out a call on @deilsplantin on Twitter for those interested in attending – as I understand it, it’s a student-only event but I’ve been offered a guest list. At the moment all the places have been taken but if anyone is keen to come along, please get in touch and I’ll do my best to accommodate you.
Hi May, I would lovethe chance ti come aling to your screening at GSA on Thursday if thers us space. Maggie xxxx
Hi Maggie,
You’re in luck. Someone just contacted me to say they can’t make it, so come along on Thursday. 5pm at the auditorium in the Reid Building. Look forward to seeing you.
May x
Just wanted to say thank you!a few years ago I spent many hours on your beautiful website.I was living in Asturias at the time and a little homesick when I fortuitously stumbled across your page.today I was reading through some old emails where I had recommended the site to a friend and decided to check it out again.imagine my delight when I found there was a movie on vimeo which I could watch for Four euros…which I did immediately…the best 4 euros I’ve ever spent undoubtedly.haunting memorising everything I hoped for….many thanks for enriching a rainy Spanish Wednesday
Michelle fagan
Hi Michelle
Thanks for your lovely message, especially today when the worst weather in Scotland looks like it’s about to scupper the premiere of my latest film at the Glasgow Film Festival tomorrow evening. I’m so pleased you enjoyed it. I don’t know if you’ve read the blog for Voyageuse – voyageuse.co.uk – but I hope you will. It’s a very different project but I think you might like it,
Very best wishes,