trip thirty two: landranger


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  • the dunty :D - 15 May 2009 -

    awryt 😀 a like your blog and a like the the picture 🙂

  • May Miles Thomas - 16 May 2009 -

    Cheers – If you want I can send you copies (in colour!) of the pictures I took of you and the guys!


  • abeattie - 27 May 2009 -

    love this site to bits…………..recently I was out 2 days in a row to craighat/glen finnich/devil’s pulpit…i though you may have covered this….but no index/or search option on site…………….

  • May Miles Thomas - 27 May 2009 -

    Thanks for that – and I’m glad you found the magic pulldown!

    I haven’t – but I should – visit the sites you mention. I checked out your blog – great stuff there – but I’ve had to limit myself to covering Harry Bell’s sites for the project. I’ll check out the maps and see if they align to any of his because the longer I go on, the more I feel he may have missed a few. (see trip 33)

    Cheers and keep in touch,

  • Tommy Lusk - 11 February 2010 -

    i am moved to comment that the rare contentment Mary feels at the summit at greenhills reservoir chimes deeply with my own experience of wandering the hills.

    I found this site a couple of days ago while looking for a site I remember first coming across a good few years ago that put me onto Harry Bell.

    I stumbled onto Harry Bell while searching for info on walking The Kilpatrick Hills.

    A week last Sunday I threw my old telly out because I enjoy the internet mostly now. The following Tuesday I was confined to home with a cold. On the Wednesdsay my internet went down.

    For a week I had more time than usual to occupy myself and none of the usual means of doing so.

    One of the unusual things I got around to doing was reading Harry Bells Book, a copy of which I must have saved from the internet a while back but never got around to reading. I read it with fascination from start to finish.

    At the first opportunity I had to search for more of this or this kind of stuff and any diagrams as I only have text.

    And that, eventually is how I found you and Mary Ross!

    I visited an old friend of a friend in the new units at Levernedale 6 or 7 years ago. In the dark, the old Leverndale seemed like a horrible monster covering us in cold dark shadow from above. I wanted to go back some time to see it again but never did. Is it still there?

    In recent years my pastime has been to follow my nose over the hills and to explore the muirs we explored as children.

    For example, from Dumbarton Muirs I can see Gargunnock Hills and so I want to see Dumbarton Muir from Gargunnock Hill.

    Capturing views and things of interest on Camcorder is part of the game. It took me over a year before I stood on Gargunnock Hills but there were lots and lots of new discoveries along the way.

    January 09 with time on my hands I went for Duncolm which I haden’t been to although I have been all around it at various times over the past 30 years. I didn’t get their on that trip but I did get there on a cold sunny and windy August 09.

    The next place to draw my attention was The wind farm at Eaglesham muir. I arrived their on my birthday on Halloween 09. Awesome. A great place for me to discover on my birthday.

    I also loved the views and the Muirs and was drawn to travel the 30 miles twice more before winter set in. I’ll pick up where I left off when the winters over.

    I am enjoying meandering through your site. It is a bit like how I meander along the hills and will do nicely until the light gets lighter and warmer.

    I am enjoying in particular the new dimension you bring in to play with Mary Ross’s story.

    Thank You

  • May Miles Thomas - 11 February 2010 -

    Thanks Tommy,

    I enjoyed reading your comments. Like you, I first came across Harry Bell’s writings on the internet years ago and always wanted the chance to pay homage to him because I felt drawn to the same places he visited. Thanks to him, I’ve come to see Glasgow and the surrounding hills in a totally different way.

    When I rediscovered the old hospital file I found at Leverndale (the old abandoned part of the hospital) what I didn’t realise was that Mary Ross would become the missing link I was looking for. I’ve revisited the hospital many times since the old part was converted to flats but the tower is still standing. It always puzzled me why anyone would build what seems such a useless structure as part of a lunatic asylum, unless it had a purpose at the time of construction but I’ve never been able to find out anything about it.

    Oddly, the more trips I made, the more prominent the tower became, for instance, when I visited Cathkin Braes it suddenly seemed to stand out, so I can understand why Mary dreads the sight of it to this day.

    I’m glad if you’re enjoying meandering round the site – that’s exactly the way it’s meant to work for people and I hope it gives you a glimpse of what’s both familiar and strange about the city – at least until the weather gets better.

    All the best,
