making the movie: regeneration train


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  • Brian Thom Mcquade - 30 October 2013 -

    Never has the single voice spoken so well for the many.

    • May Miles Thomas - 30 October 2013 -

      Thanks Brian,

      Hope you’re doing well. Glad you agree with my thoughts on Govan.

      All the best,

      • Brian Thom Mcquade - 31 October 2013 -

        Cheers May and thanks I’m doing fine. I thought you show know that the fruit and veg shop across the way from sunny g. has stopped selling any and concentrates now only on flowers!

  • Johnnie wales - 11 July 2016 -

    I like what you’re saying, a lot. I’m putting on a debate for New Glasgow Society on 17th July at 3.00 to 5.00 in Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club Clubhouse on Glasgow Green. We hope, or at least start, to find ways of making the Clyde ours (the Citizens) again. Lets stop being told what we’re getting and start demanding what we want.
    I’ve got Norry Wilson from Lost Glasgow, Gemma Jennings from the Clyde River Foundation, Alan Crossan owner of The Clutha and Campaigner, Andrew McConnell from CARC and Glasgow Building Preservation Trust, Hopefully Tam from GalGael.
    If you fancy taking part you’re very welcome as a speaker or as a contributor.
    Even if you can’t take part it would be great to have a coffee and a blether with you.


    • May Miles Thomas - 11 July 2016 -

      Hi Johnnie,

      Thanks for that, appreciated. I’d love to take part in your talk but I’m up to my ears with a new film and have a deadline to meet. Once I get it out of the way I’d be happy to meet up for a blether!

      My email is
