trip eighteen: shadow boxing


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  • saint - 23 August 2009 -

    i am also a native of the area and spent a lot of time searching for our history in the braes but now its a bit of risk who you meet up there these days your never sure if they are normal or ! if interested i know of a large boulder which is i think related to harry bells x, i discovered it a few years ago while out detecting

  • May Miles Thomas - 23 August 2009 -

    Thanks for the comment. I’ve been back to the Braes recently to check the sightlines from the trig point. It strikes me that several of the sites mentioned by Harry Bell seem to attract some odd characters these days.

    I’d be interested to know more about the boulder, if you’d be kind enough to let me know its whereabouts.


  • Grahame Gardner - 6 March 2010 -

    Hi May;

    I’ve done some major revision on my Google Earth GNAS placemark, updating web links and adding new sites and alignments so that it’s now pretty much as complete as I can make it. In the process I’ve managed to resolve some confusion I had over Harry’s Cathkin Braes/Castlemilk House/Carmunnock ringwork area, which I’d previously been forced to leave incomplete.
    I had to fudge Harry’s Cathkin Braes position slightly from the OS trig point position to get it to fit the Craw Stane – Woodend Loch alignment properly, but overall I think you’ll find things much improved in that area.

  • May Miles Thomas - 14 August 2010 -

    For anybody looking at this page, I’m sorry if the link to Harry’s site is dud. I have no idea what happened, whether it was taken down by someone, possibly by a member of Harry’s family. I tried for a long time to make contact with Harry’s son in relation to this project, but heard nothing.

    Maybe if he’s reading this he can contact me. I’d love to hear from him.

  • sharon - 18 August 2011 -

    i have known cathkin braes since i was born growing up in cathkin. i moved in the 80’s but looking to go back for a look around. i enjoyed what you wrote i did not know the history of it all. i think i will stay clear of the car park after dark. to imagen the people who lived thaire. and the soldiers thay must have known thay wer to die. it just makes me think if only the ghosts can talk that would be tales i will happily hear. thank you grate site. sharon.

  • Grahame - 22 April 2022 -

    Just a wee update (2022) regarding Harry’s website for anyone wondering – thanks to May, I’ve managed to make contact with Harry’s family and have obtained their permission and blessing to curate and update his material. You can find all the old website information and my interactive map at this new website:

    • May Miles Thomas - 24 April 2022 -

      Thanks for this Grahame – I hope anyone coming to this site will check out your new website – it’s great to see Harry’s work – and yours keeping the flame alive!
