trip six: stepford


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  • Jim Colquhoun - 28 June 2008 -

    Hi there

    Harry Bell was careful not to talk about ‘leys’ as such. I like his notion of PCL’s or prehistoric comminication lines. My favourite thing is to find the blank bits in maps, those places that are described in the vaguest of terms. Nice site.

    Cheers, Jim

  • May Miles Thomas - 28 June 2008 -

    Thanks Jim,

    I agree. While Harry Bell acknowledged Alfred Watkins’ theory he didn’t subscribe wholeheartedly to the concept of leys. Like you, I’m more interested in finding uncharted territory (getting harder) or at least to make my own connections between the better-known landmarks.

    cheers, May

  • foster doherty - 3 November 2009 -

    could you tell me where i would be able to find images of mearnskirk hospital during operation

  • May Miles Thomas - 3 November 2009 -

    Hi Foster,

    You might want to try this site as a starting point –

