update 14: BAFTA Scotland
Dodging the rush hour queues, my pulse races faster than the traffic. I’m on my way to Cineworld, Renfrew Street, said to boast the largest attendance figures of any European cinema. The ground on which it stands is, in my mind, more vivid as the site of Green’s Playhouse and the Apollo Centre, a famed music venue that earned its keep by screening the occasional film.
Here I once went on a doomed double date with my sister and two…
update 15: audience award
Thanks to the many people who’ve contacted me about the screenings of the film. This week, The Devil’s Plantation will be showing at Cineworld in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen – the showtimes for all screenings is 6.00pm today, Monday 21st October and also at 8.15pm on Thursday 24th October as part of the BAFTA Scotland/Cineworld Audience Awards.
For those of you who can’t make it to the cinema, I’ve made the film available online for free for a limited…
update 16: BAFTA awards
Regular readers of this blog might be excused for thinking I’ve lost my way. What began in 2007 as a record of my city-wide meanderings while making The Devil’s Plantation has lately turned into a rant on the vagaries of public arts funding in general and film funding in particular and for which I apologise. A backward glance at my posts over the last six years has me hankering for the days I took the 900 bus from Edinburgh…