making the movie: rainspotting
2012 – the year predicted to herald the end of the world proved instead to be a season of false starts, false flags and false promises, which for me – and many others, I suspect – could not have ended sooner.
Since posting my last piece, I’ve struggled to find a way to close the circle. When the project began in 2007 little did I know I’d still be writing this blog six years later. To coin the cliché –…
update 11: CS Open Sessions
With over 400 apps released every week, it’s hard to get attention so it’s especially pleasing to learn that the latest issue of Apps Magazine has a two-page feature on The Devil’s Plantation app. I was quietly amused to see it described as Thomas Pynchon meets Trainspotting but what’s more gratifying is the observation that –
Devil’s Plantation raises the bar in interactive storytelling above children’s stories and comic books. Arguably it can go toe-to-toe…
update 12: labour of love
Today’s Herald features a piece by Phil Miller on that perennial plea – voiced this time by Iain Smith, producer and current chair of the British Film Commission about the need for a Scottish studio. In the article an uncredited ‘spokeswoman’ for Creative Scotland is quoted as saying that £1m has already been ring fenced for this purpose, on the back of a £75,000 feasibility study into the viability of a fit-for-purpose four-waller, the elusive missing…
update 13: Follywood
As part of the ongoing Creative Scotland Film Review, earlier today at Film City Glasgow a group of interested parties met to discuss production and finance. According to my partner, Owen Thomas – one of the few who could be bothered attending – it seems that BOP Consulting is merely charged with taking the temperature of Scottish film rather than arriving at a meaningful prescription.
Having answered CS’ call for open submissions for this review, I’ve decided to publish my…
update 17: the last post
Years ago, after completing my first feature, One Life Stand, I was surprised to see it listed in the Time Out Film Guide where it was favourably reviewed. Inside our copy my husband wrote a thoughtful inscription – Because it lasts forever. Now, sitting in my shed at the start of a New Year, I reflect again on his words because – to the chagrin of many an ex-porn star, I’m certain – films really do last forever,…
update 22: Birks Cinema
I’m pleased to announce a screening of the film at the Birks Cinema, Aberfeldy, courtesy of the Heartland Film Society as part of the Aberfeldy Film Festival. I’ve also agreed to attend because I’m keen to see the cinema, originally built in 1939 but recently refurbished with a 100-seat state-of-the-art digital theatre. I’m happy too to meet the good folks of Aberfeldy so if…
update 23: cochno news
When I embarked on TDP back in 2007 often I got lost while out on field trips despite having a map. Anyone following my journey knows that the most elusive of my destinations was the site of Cochno/Druid Stone. Of all the places mentioned by Harry Bell in his Network of Aligned Sites, at a psychic level it seemed as if the Stone was taunting me. Eight years later and it’s still a lost cause.
Bear with me. This is…