trip twenty six: time bends


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  • Fin - 9 June 2012 -

    There is a broken stone cross at the south end of the resevoir. There are local rumours of a secret tunnel linking the castle to the Paisley Abbey. A young boy died in the grounds of the reservoir many years ago. Locals were able to walk out to the castle during the drought of the late 70’s.
    I have lived near the castle for 40 years and the above is the sum of my knowledge of the castle, so I have enjoyed reading about it on your site. I have linked to this site accidentally several times, while searching for templar treasure and family links to eaglesham, on the net.
    This is the most atmospheric tliterature I have found on the internet. Magical!

  • May Miles Thomas - 15 July 2012 -

    Sorry it’s taken me a while to reply to your comment, Fin, but thanks for taking the trouble – and for reading the blog. I’ve heard several rumours about the tunnel as well – that it goes from the reservoir to Paisley Abbey and/or Crookston Castle which seems unlikely, given the distance. All the same, I think it’s weird that the site of Stanely Castle was chosen for a reservoir – you wonder what they were trying to hide!

    All the best,
