drift three: watter


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  • Ed - 15 August 2010 -

    That barber’s shop – pic here https://fromztoa.net/?p=946 – couldn’t believe it! Lovely post May, and cracking photos! That’s a great quote too at the end.

  • May Miles Thomas - 16 August 2010 -

    Thanks Ed,

    I checked your photo of the Gillette sign in the barber shop on psygeo – indeed we saw the same thing. I took some close-ups of the window display as well, thinking how it beats most of the gallery installations I’ve seen lately. In an age of signs it’s a thing of wonder.

    I love the Joan Didion quote. Lately I’ve been working my way through her books. A very fine writer.

  • Jessica Wilson - 9 September 2011 -


    I am in the process of producing a pack for the Royal Mail on the subject of Classic Locomotives of Scotland. I would love to use your image of Wemyss Bay Station above – would you be happy for us to use the shot in this way?

    Many thanks,
    Jessica Wilson

  • May Miles Thomas - 9 September 2011 -

    Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for looking at my blog. I’ve sent you an email.

    All the best,

  • Johanne Baker - 24 April 2016 -

    Loved your article. More please??

    • May Miles Thomas - 24 April 2016 -

      Thanks Johanne

      Feel free to check my other posts here. If you go to Archive you’ll find the whole story!

      Best wishes
