The Green, Green Light...

The first days of 2019 have been unusually busy for this unemployed housewife; work on the script for my new film, Tilo in Real Life, a submission – a long shot – to the US in relation to a major project about Tom Polgar/CIA which I've been researching over the last eighteen months or so. I've begun to sketch out another script idea, potentially my first live action film since 2003. I'm also fielding requests about screening Voyageuse with my usual cautious pessimism.

After the high of the BIFAs the film attracted a small amount of publicity and comment; an interview with Phil Miller in The Herald, plus a very welcome mention by Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian, coming shortly after his four-star review of the film. It was truly special to swap messages with him during the BIFA ceremony after he tweeted how pleased he was that the film had won. I was surprised too when Siobhan Synnot announced me as her Person of the Moment on STV's Scotland Tonight. Seems I have a lot to live up to.

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