Soy independiente...

After my ghosting by Glasgow Film – see The Undoing – I wondered how I could help someone who wants to work in film and TV. Or help them make a movie purely for its own sake. I also thought of the obstacles one faces when trying to make a living in such a notoriously insecure field. According to BECTU, the main union for film/TV workers, 70% of the UK workforce was unemployed in September 2023. If 70% of UK politicians were unemployed, the country would be better off.

When the majority can't get a job, it begs the question: what was/is the point of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)? In fact, it's offensive to see the discourse on the low socio-economic population gain momentum, its sub-groups reduced to the acronym: WBCU - working, benefits, criminal and underclass; the latest minority in a morass of minorities. To get ahead, one might be well-advised to self-ID as the deserving poor or, since The Guardian is a reliable bellwether on social and cultural trends, neurodivergent. I say this not to be flippant but rather, to point out the absurdities of identity politics.

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