Tales from Europe...

Broken politics, broken society and a broken planet: a premise for a movie I don't particularly want to see, let alone make. On TV there's an air of unreality about the State of Things when charity ads compete with exhortations to spend and when some survive on less than a living wage while others don't survive at all.

I'm not in the habit of making New Year resolutions but to mark 2020 my husband and I decided to give up live TV, sealed when the annual reminder for the TV Licence dropped on the mat. While debating whether or not to pay, I thought of my uncle who, when asked why he had no licence replied, "Ours works perfectly well without one." Not that there was much threat of prosecution since he lived with his family on the fifteenth floor of a Castlemilk high-rise knowing the TV Detector Van, a harbinger of dread in every Glasgow housing scheme, couldn't detect a device above one storey.

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