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Destination Home

As a new decade begins the term ‘The Roaring 20s’ rings hollow in the cold, sober dawn of a Tory government, climate catastrophe and ongoing Brexit chaos. To write about film, any film seems trivial ...more


The ground on which cinema stands is surely shifting. Recently I read an article by Alex Ross Perry about the disastrous trends in distribution, citing the Oscar-nominated ‘First Reformed’. It confirms what I’ve believed for ...more

Her Naked Winter Garden

I’m writing this after a day of tending my little patch of urban garden while reflecting on ‘Voyageuse’ and how 2018 has been an almost perfect balance of ups and downs. Finally I can allow ...more

Vienna 2018

Last week I travelled to Vienna for a short break, my first-ever trip to the city. After years of not taking holidays it felt strange to be a tourist, to not arouse the suspicions of ...more


It seems so long ago. As the March icestorms melted into memory, during what’s proving to be an unseasonably hot summer, finally ‘Voyageuse’ is gaining traction. These past months, much as I’ve felt buoyed by ...more


In Scotland last week a red weather alert was issued, accompanied by warnings of the risk of death caused by unnecessary travel. Here, during one of the worst snowstorms in living memory, I paced outside ...more

The Trailer

As I count down the days to the premiere of ‘Voyageuse’ at the Glasgow Film Festival on March 1st, I’m pleased to announce that the film can also be seen – for free – until ...more


Now and again on social media I’ll chance on a plea from a teacher in East Texas or elsewhere on the planet in charge of a class of third-graders. “I want to show my class ...more

A Hard Road

Most of us know the saying, ‘If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?’ This came to mind recently as I pondered the ...more

Defcon 2

The events of the past few weeks are troubling: biblical fire, fury and floods in the US, Brexit lies and incompetence, endless under-reported wars and further terrorist attacks. Perhaps most worrying is the threat of ...more


Floating forever on social media is a meme, a quote from the late Robert Altman: ‘Filmmaking is a chance to live many lifetimes.’ With each new film comes an opportunity to recreate the world and ...more


I haven’t given much thought to “Voyageuse” lately, too busy with writing a 10th anniversary post for my last film, “The Devil’s Plantation” and researching for a new project. Then there are events: a distracting ...more