On my wall is a mosaic of candy coloured post-it notes with scribbled words I struggle to make sense of: landing page, festivals, social media, trailer. It’s an exercise devised by my husband whose day ...more
On my wall is a mosaic of candy coloured post-it notes with scribbled words I struggle to make sense of: landing page, festivals, social media, trailer. It’s an exercise devised by my husband whose day ...more
In the rush hour bustle outside Sainsbury’s on Tottenham Court Road, I chance on two guys sharing a single sleeping bag and sheltering from the drizzle. Unprompted, I offer them some money. On hearing my ...more
In 2003, when asked by the writer Bernard McLafferty for advice as he embarked on his first short film, (“Bye-Child,” nominated for a BAFTA) I replied that the director’s job was to make decisions no ...more
Usually the start of a New Year heralds the best intentions but rather than sabotage myself and disappoint others, my only resolution for 2017 – to complete “Voyageuse” – is fulfilled. Readers of this blog ...more
Since embarking on this film in October 2014 I’ve downplayed my many roles. I assumed – perhaps wrongly – that only the most ardent film enthusiast wants to read about the mechanics of screenwriting or ...more
Very few people know but in December 2011 I was offered the job of Filmmaker to the 2014 Commonwealth Games. During the protracted interview process – four meetings over two months – it became apparent ...more
A couple of years ago I received an unsolicited email from a BBC researcher asking what my plans were for 2014. I was being considered as a potential subject for the TV series, “What Do ...more
For the second year running in lieu of a holiday recently I travelled to New Jersey to shoot a short sequence for this film. Of course, I could have edited the script or used stock ...more
“Dignity, always dignity.” So goes the zinger delivered by Gene Kelly in ‘Singing in the Rain’ (Stanley Donen, 1952). It’s also a line used by my husband whenever I complain about the task of filmmaking. ...more
When I decided to make this film in October 2014 I had little apart from an unedited script, some kit and my own devices. Compared to many other films it’s been a relatively short ride, ...more
Today marks the first day of Spring. I wake up to sunshine and clear skies and I think of Erica and how “Voyageuse” is set on the day of the Vernal Equinox. In the film ...more
While storms Gertrude, Henry and Imogen uprooted trees in the local park, my waking hours were spent in the warm glow of the edit suite. The many formats I’m using – 16mm, 8mm and S8mm ...more